
Nicola Coslett

International Iron Metallics Conference 2021

The International Iron and Metallics Association (IIMA) and CRU Events announce a new partnership to present the first virtual edition of the International Iron Metallics Conference, to be held 23 – 24 March 2021.

The IIMA is dedicated to those involved in the ore-based metallics value chain, its members accounting for more than 80% of production and international trade in ore-based metallics. This event represents the first full international conference dedicated to the merchant ore-based metallics sector.

Registration will include weeks of access to over eight hours of on-demand technical presentations, panel discussions, live Q&A, speed networking and other networking functionality. For the first time, the IIMA invites non-members to register to access the event for a fee of just £225.

“This venture into the virtual world represents an exciting new step for the association. It promises to be a vital platform for this industry to stay connected at a time when bringing the industry together has never been more important,” said John Atherton, Director General at the IIMA.

A comprehensive agenda of discussions has been prepared by the IIMA. Topics include:

  • A look at the current state of recovery of the steel sector following the initial impact of the pandemic, focusing on a global overview of steelmaking raw material markets.

  • The impact of soaring scrap prices and whether the dynamics of China’s domestic and imported scrap markets have a significant influence on markets elsewhere.

  • A review of how the dry bulk freight market has been impacted and how the shipping industry is changing, driven by demand for efficient supply chains and zero carbon shipping.

  • Given that the transition to carbon-neutral steelmaking has already begun, how are OBM producers and equipment manufacturers responding to demands for carbon emissions reduction today?

Discussions will be prompted by keynote presentations from respected industry experts and thought leaders invited by the IIMA. They include, Chris Asgill (CRU), Christian Boehm (Primetals), Hector Foster (S&P Global), Jeremy Jones (CIX LLC), and Derek Langston (SSY).

CRU and the IIMA are building on a long-standing relationship in this venture. CRU offer independent, reliable commodity news, market analysis, prices and consulting to companies in the steel and metallics value chain. The IIMA selected CRU Events as a partner due to their tried and tested virtual platform to deliver an interactive environment for delegates to learn, discuss and network.

“We are thrilled to be able to participate in this project. The virtual conference solution that we offer will enable lively debate, the opportunity to network, and most importantly, for trade to continue to take place from the safety and convenience of your home or office,” said Nicola Coslett, CEO, CRU Events.

Together, the IIMA and CRU teams are looking forward to delivering an excellent programme for the International Iron Metallics Conference on 23 – 24 March 2021. Registration to non-members costs £225 per person. Further information can be found here:

About the International Iron and Metallics Association (IIMA)

The IIMA is dedicated to those involved in the ore-based metallics value chain - raw material supply, production and transformation, trading and distribution, transportation and logistics, technology and equipment. Its members account for more than 80% of production and international trade in ore-based metallics.

Ore-based metallics - merchant pig iron (MPI), direct reduced iron (DRI), hot briquetted iron (HBI), granulated pig iron (GPI) - are value-adding feedstock materials for the iron and steel and ferrous casting industries and IIMA has as its principal objective their promotion through product and market support, innovation, education and regulatory support.

Read more about the IIMA: