CRU's economic analysis connects developments in the global economy with the impact on commodity markets.

Macro forecasts from our team of dedicated economists feed into all our commodity market analysis, outlook data and cost models, to underpin and inform our projections, giving you the most robust data. It ensures that wider global economic factors are considered when formulating our analysis for sectors and countries that matter most to our customers across the metals, mining, fertilizers and clean technology industries.

This macro forecast data also contributes towards our in-depth coverage and expertise of the green technologies, country policies and regulations surrounding decarbonisation and the move towards more sustainable methods of operating, furnishing you with the knowledge and insight to make long-reaching decisions with confidence. 

We don't just provide the big picture. We take it to a personalised level, providing you with tailored commentary on macroeconomic issues. 

“We strive to make our methodologies and views as transparent as possible to maintain trusting relationships with all our customers.” 
Alex Tuckett, Principal Economist

In addition to macro forecasts informing our commodity analysis, CRU's Economics team also produces regular updates providing the macro view:

Quarterly Cost Macro report

This report sets out our forecast of key cost drivers, including fuel, freight and labour, but what you can also find is extensive coverage of exchange rate forecasts for more than 30 countries – a crucial determinant of mine and plant cost competitiveness.

Global Economic Outlook

This monthly publication includes key forecasts – from GDP and IP, to exchange rates and oil prices for the global economy and all major countries and regions. We also emphasised the construction and auto sectors, as well as reviewing the largest consumer of global commodities – China. What’s more, we offer our customers a long-term forecast extending to 2050, published twice a year.